Mangosteen "Monday Medical Call" every Monday with Dr. Johnson -> 712 429 0700 Pin 989745# 7:00 PM PST 8:00 PM MST.
For more information on how to better your health, help prevent diseases or become a consultant to benefit your income and tax savings, see our extensive website in eight languages.
For more information on how to better your health, help prevent diseases or become a consultant to benefit your income and tax savings, see our website in eight languages @
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Mangosteen Juice Doctors # 3 Dr. Vaughn T. Johnson
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Competitive Health Insurance Options for Xango Consultants & Customers

We are pleased to announce that MillerWade National is offering a comprehensive healthcare solution for our U.S. distributors and customers. Find out how to save 30-50% on your health care costs.
For more information on how to better your health, help prevent diseases or become a consultant to benefit your income and tax savings, see our extensive website in eight languages.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
The Holistic Economy: Paul Zane Pilzer and Wellness
This book changed my life.
For one thing, it changed my approach to health insurance. Pilzer introduced me to the Health Savings Account (then called the Medical Savings Account) and actually motivated me to write my own book on the HSA.
As Pilzer says, the HSA changes everything. It puts the day-to-day decisions of your healthcare back into your lap. Not with the insurance company."
Friday, June 19, 2009
The Commercial Hype on Anti-Oxidant ORAC Values

"The number of different anti-oxidants is what is really important. Imagine a Free Radical as a puzzle-piece shape. You must have the right anti-oxidant puzzle-piece to complete it and have it exit the body. No single anti-oxidant can address all free radicals. That means ORAC means very little in the human body. The power of the mangosteen anti-oxidants is that there are over 40 different configurations to help complete and rid the body of a multitude of different free radicals." --Dr. Robert Stone, D.O.
For a complete list of the 202 benefits of the xanthones from the mangosteen, see Dr. Duke's list .
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Could a Simple, Inexpensive Test Save Your Life?
A Simple Test Reveals the Red flags of Heart Disease
- A simple blood test called CRP could detect inflammation of the coronary arteries, which might lead to a heart attack.
- The test could be a valuable preventative against serious damage to the heart.
- The test measures C-reactive protein; a protein found in our bodies that signals responses to any forms of inflammation.
Reading the Test Results
- Three or higher--higher bracket for heart disease.
- One to three--moderate risk for heart disease.
- A reading below one--lower risk range for heart disease.
CRP Test Proves to be Successful
Regina Allen, a woman in her mid-30s, went for a CRP test after her EKG and cholesterol tests came back normal, despite continuing chest pains and feelings of lethargy. The test showed inflammation and damage to the heart.
Allen’s doctor restricted her diet to solely fruits and vegetables to lower the inflammation. After the inflammation was under control, she gradually added fats, grains and proteins to her diet. Allen then went for another CRP test after following the diet for three weeks and found her inflammation levels had been cut in half.
Researchers said that inflammation was the dangerous trigger that set off heart attacks. Some doctors were opposed to the tests because of their resistance to accept new knowledge. Experts believed this resistance was derived from the longtime beliefs that artery-blocking fats could be found on angiograms or other types of heart tests. However, research has shown that only 15 percent of heart attacks were the result of blockages, while an overwhelming 85 percent were caused by inflammation and blockage, which weren’t picked up on tests such as angiograms and stress tests.
Experts recommended that one way to reduce your chances of a heart attack was by making changes to your diet, such as avoiding high calories and saturated fats, then finding the underlying cause of the problem and searching for treatment options.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Mangosteen is here to stay - Mayo Clinic begins first large scale human trial
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Reduce Your Sugar Intake and Lose Weight

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Why The Whole Fruit Is The Only Way

Sr. Manager of R&D
I have been asked many times why we use whole fruit and not extracts and concentrates. This question has been asked repeatedly during my 16 years in the industry. I have heard arguments from how the whole plant has the essence of Mother Nature to how we do peer reviewed double blind studies on multiple active compounds. As I have listened to these arguments, I have come to some conclusions. I would like to share a few of them with you.
At the beginning, I also thought that all plants had a few active ingredients and that standardizing and concentrating those ingredients made them better and easier to study. It was just too difficult to study a plant that had hundreds or thousands of chemicals and thus be able to control all of the variables. That is true. Today’s method of testing and validating physiological activity is done with isolating active components from a medicinal plant that contains numerous active compounds. This method has saved millions of lives and has improved the quality of life for many. As we see with present drug treatments, though, we find that we have a lot more side effects when we concentrate and isolate. What we miss today is the possibility of synergetic and antagonist activity that comes from whole foods. We miss the fact that a little of a lot of things over a long period of time is better than having to treat with one chemical in large doses over a short period of time.
I was reading a paper by Kevin Spelman where he nailed what I have been thinking for a long time. He presented at a conference in Montreal, talking about how we influence the environment but also how the environment influences us. As we influence the environment or plants they, in turn, change. We then consume those plants and our bodies change to survive. I really enjoyed how he interwove everything together and made everything interdependent on each other. This communication between organism and environment is called chemistry. In our early diets, humans consumed between 80-220 plants and thus were exposed to a very high number of phytochemicals in the range of 8,000-22,000 (and quite likely higher). In our modern diet, we consume about 10,000 compounds including pesticides but, compared to the hunter/gather nature of our ancestors, we have seen a reduction in our consumption of phytochemicals.
Why is this important? Our bodies are designed to consume thousands of chemicals in low dosages. In our present diets, we consume lesser amounts of phytochemicals in higher concentrations. We have developed a detoxification route in our bodies called P450 enzymes. These enzymes are able to detoxify our bodies from harmful substances and they are also able to change inert substances into helpful chemicals in our body. P450 enzymes have the ability to evolve rapidly. Genes allow animals to generate a metabolic resistance to plant compounds that are designed to dissuade grazers and also allow plants to generate new compounds to deter herbivory. Plants and animals have inherit processes that allow them to adapt to their environment and use what makes them stronger and inhibit what makes them weaker. P450 in plants and animals have been engaged in the cyclical process of dissuading each other and helping each other when it fit. Over time, this relationship has developed into a real partnership. We have all seen now how plants and humans coexist. Take soybeans, for example. They have much to offer humankind and are cultivated and used as food around the world. Where they are consumed in moderate amounts, they seem to show lower levels of estrogenic disease. Also flavonoids are huge in the plant kingdom. We have seen in the world where daily consumption of green tea can lead to lower levels of disease, like heart disease and cancer. In Asia, large fields are dedicated to the growing of soybeans and green tea. Green tea and soy beans are much more abundant with the human partnership than if they had grown in the wild—humans are much healthier with these plants at their disposal than if the had to wild craft them. Is there a relationship? I think so.
As we have broken down the mangosteen fruit and looked at its individual chemical components, we have seen hundreds if not thousands of phytochemicals in specific quantities. In fact, some of the chemicals have not yet been identified nor do we know what synergistic or antagonistic effects they have. We have also noticed physiological changes in some of the actives when they are separated and then added back to the whole fruit. Are we ready to say that xanthones are the only active? Are we ready to say that xanthones separated from the whole fruit are better? Do we understand the plant so well; we can pick and choose which phytochemicals to keep and which ones we don’t need? I would say no.
We are now seeing drug research start to target multiple substances on multiple sites. We have also seen research where they combine multiple drug and nutritional items at lower dosages and have better outcomes with fewer side effects. For example, Wald and Law combine six drugs all below their standard dose. Those drugs are baby aspirin, three blood pressure drugs, a statin and folic acid. It extended life by 11 years with little or no side effects. What scientists are finding is that there is a matrix of pathways that different chemicals use. They work well together when delivered as nature intended. Whole plants seem to have more activity and fewer side effects when they are left in their own state. Kevin Spelman quotes saying, “Nature’s mixtures seem to function with broad specificity and low affinity. This phytochemical economy, an efficient and broad spectrum ensembles of constituents, would not likely act on just one target, but on multiple targets, functionally converging on biochemical pathways. Thus, phytochemical matrices, with their ensemble properties tripping multiple targets, may provide an enhanced pharmacological efficiency as compared to isolated compounds. Moreover, the use of phytomedicines, as compared to isolated chemicals, may offer a safer clinical strategy in the treatment of many diseases.” I could not say it better.
To end this blog, I want to quote one more paper from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, which states: “We believe that the evidence suggests that antioxidants are best acquired through whole-food consumption, not as a pill or an extract.” Why do we use the whole fruit and not extracts and concentrates? I think the facts stand for themselves.Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Leading Scientific Research on Mangosteen Performance

Hello Health Nuts & Mangosteen Fans,
Wow, this is wonderful news, and we knew it was coming. The Xango drinkers worldwide know what the mangosteen can accomplish, due to extensive study’s, testimonials and published research that is available in the internet to anyone: - Mangosteen Fruit Info and - MyMangosteen Science, just to name two.
Please notice the highlighted blue sentence in the article below, it specifically mentions our flagship product…incredible. We are happy to be part of a movement of healthy thinkers that have found a product that can be shared worldwide and can change so many people's lives.
"With scientific partners that include Northridge, Calif.-based Medicus Research, Weber State University and leading independent laboratories, XanGo continues to spearhead scientific exploration of the whole mangosteen fruit through a tiered approach on safety, standardization and efficacy.
In XanGo's most recent independent research of the mangosteen completed in January 2009, promising peer-reviewed clinical trials by the UCLA School of Medicine's Dr. Jay K. Udani have shown that XanGo® Juice reduces inflammation in obese subjects, which may be valuable in preventing the progression to diabetes and heart disease. This eight-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study included a pre-study two-week washout period. It evaluated the effect of multiple dosages of a proprietary mangosteen juice on indicators of inflammation and antioxidant levels in obese patients with elevated C-reactive protein (CRP) levels. (More on CRP, see the article with Dr. Vaugh Johnson below).
Previous independent research sponsored by XanGo has demonstrated that the proprietary whole fruit formula in XanGo Juice leads to high levels of xanthone absorption while unnaturally elevated levels of xanthone consumption actually were shown to decrease absorption efficiency.
XanGo is intent on continuing to lead the worldwide market in mangosteen-based research and category-creating mangosteen-based products. Expect more research in the coming years that continues to validate existing claims about the mangosteen and further product extensions that broaden the benefits of the mangosteen to myriad oral, topical and other wellness applications."
Monday, March 9, 2009
Do you know what is in your skin care and cosmetic products?
Men don't escape this either! They apply over 80 chemicals a day! There are many potential health risks associated with these chemicals, which are linked to cancer, birth defects, and reproductive and hormonal problems.
I was shocked to discover the average person was absorbing hundreds of chemicals and toxins every day, using such products as facial cleanser, soap, shampoo, deodorant, nail polish etc. These products can do much more harm than good to our bodies. And no warning labels are required on any products.
After reading Not Just a Pretty Face: The Ugly Side of the Beauty Industry by Stacey Malkan, I wanted to use only products that were totally safe and harmless to all, and to share them with others.
There is an alternative that is not only Clean, Green and Safe - but full of nutritional ingredients that will balance and rejuvinate your skin, helping your skin to return to the healthy vibrant glow the way it is meant to be.
Check out the Cosmetics Data Base ( to find out how your products rate. You can search by product or company name. Then you can see how these products rate on the toxicity scale.
Some people believe if a product is on the shelf, it must have been approved first. This definitely is not true! The cosmetics industry is for the most part self-regulating with no requirements to test for safety, or warn about the dangers of certain chemicals and toxins.
For more details, ingredients, science, quality and infotmation and how to order glimpse click here.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
The Mangosteen Weight Loss Challenge
IMPORTANT: You should drink half your weight in ounces of water each & every day. Your body cells need it to perform and regenerate and full fill all their functions well.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
All Mangosteen Juices Are NOT Created Equal - Dr. Vaughn Johnson
Inflammation is all over the news. In fact, there was a front page article on MSN about a large study that seemed to show that people who were taking aspirin actually lived longer. Of course aspirin is an anti-inflammatory but like most drugs has numerous side effects.
Many of you may also have seen the video from PBS where they specifically discussed how this hs-CRP test was becoming a major marker for heart disease. To view a preview of the PBS video click here, if you have not yet viewed it!
Dr. Johnson Presentation of 4/3/07
Dr. Johnson did a clinical trial on the effect of Original (XANGO) Mangosteen juice on a marker for systemic inflammation; Highly Sensitive C- Reactive Protein (hs-crp). A level of 1.0 to 3.0 is considered normal. Greater than 3.0 is considered high risk.
Take blood samples from 47 patients. Determine hs-CRP Levels.
Administer 2 Oz of Original mangosteen juice per day. (1 in AM, 1 in PM)
Continue for 30 days.
Take blood samples and measure hs-CRP again.
Two ounces was selected as the dose so that two bottles would last one month.
Results: All of the 38 patients who returned for the follow up test lowered their hs-CRP levels into the normal range. 9 patients did not return for their follow up test. The following table lists typical results.
Sample #........Initial........30 Days
Comments: The above five samples were selected for illustration purposes because after the completion of the test all of these individuals stopped taking the Original (XANGO) Mangosteen and took other mangosteen based products instead.
Other mangosteen products: All five returned to their initial high risk CRP levels after using the other mangosteen products. In fact, sample 2 increased to 28, i.e. two points above the initial value. Dr. Johnson then put each of these patients back on Original Mangosteen juice and all of the CRP numbers came back down.
Dr. Johnson concluded that all mangosteen supplements are not created equal and that the whole fruit puree, Original (XANGO) Mangosteen formula produced the results he has witnessed due to the synergy of all of the 43+ Xanthones and other components working together. All of the other products had "extracts" and not the whole fruit only found in the Original Mangosteen Juice!
Just a suggestion - the next time you have your physical examination and blood work, ASK FOR A CRP (Blood Test) TEST!!!!