We are pleased to announce that MillerWade National is offering a comprehensive healthcare solution for our U.S. distributors and customers. Find out how to save 30-50% on your health care costs.
If you are looking for a viable healthcare solution for you and your family, act now and start saving today. Download your 2 page free flyer here.
Provided you're one of those who still get the newspaper delivered to your doorstep in the morning, you're used to seeing some pretty grim news on a consistent basis. Any discernable silver lining grows harder and harder to see. At XanGo, we're working hard to make it easier to see that silver lining.
While we acknowledge that benefits are getting cut and healthcare costs are increasing, we'd rather things weren't this way — for starters, here's one thing we intend to do about it.
XanGo, with the assistance of MillerWade National, wants to give you an alternative. Much as XanGo has long been the alternative to the 9-5 desk job, MillerWade is a new way of offering insurance benefits to the active network marketer. No traditional job? No problem. MillerWade isn't exactly a traditional insurance agency, either.
For instance, if you have a bad job you're currently holding onto simply because you want the benefits that are attached to it, this is a way for you to leave the job without leaving the insurance benefits that come with it behind. What's more, it frees you up to working even harder at your XanGo business. Talk about your win-win situations!
Now you can build your business knowing that XanGo helps offer full major medical benefits that are competitively priced (saving you as much as 30%-50% over traditional group healthcare plans). You can be free to build your dream of financial freedom while you protect your family, the way it should be. That's some good news, right? We tend to think so.
To learn more about this opportunity or to sign up, please visit their healthcare site direct at xango.millerwade.com (login: "partner").
For more information on how to better your health, help prevent diseases or become a consultant to benefit your income and tax savings, see our extensive website in eight languages.